They tear, shred, eat, and poop in your shoes enough that you might as well just let them sleep in them. Well now they can with this giant shoe shaped dog bed. Shaped like a giant croc, or a slipper, the giant shoe
I personally like to fall asleep with music on, sometimes it's death metal yet sometimes it's Beethoven. All depends on the day I've had.
Sleeping Headphones and Eye Mask Hybrid
There's a few problems if you're not sleeping alone the other person is probably going to moan if you're musics on. So you get out ...
The Big Unicorn Head Squirrel feeder is an homage to the unicorn craze, I mean last week we featured the candle that smells like Unicorn farts.
Unicorn Head Squirrel Feeder
These feeders are perfect to add some witty and fun-loving accessories to your garden or yard. You pop the nuts or seeds inside and ...
Have you ever wondered where baby dragons come from? Or what dragons do in their spare time? There's a whole other dragon world you don't know about and it's hot. Hotter than the fire they breathe. This dragon sex coloring book will give you this knowledge that you never knew you needed.
Dragon sex coloring book
The Levitating Moon Lamp is a night light lamp that actually floats as if it was in a zero gravity setting.
Created by VGAzer and they state that each moon lamp takes around 24 hours to create.
Color changing levitating moon lamp
Using wireless charging the floating moon will continue to charge as it's ...
These LED Fingerless Gloves come in pretty handy in dark and fidgety situations, OK that probably sounds a little seedy now i've read it back. Never the less they are pretty cool.
LED Fingerless Flashlight Gloves
They feature 2 super-bright bead LED's on each glove with one being on the forefinger and the ...
Unicorns are magical and glorious beasts, they poop rainbows. So what do their farts smell like? Well you no longer have to sit and ponder on this question because you can now find out with the Unicorn farts candle.
Unicorn farts candle
Imagine a mixture of pineapple, fresh grapefruit, banana, green apple, ...
The Gosun Go is a solar powered oven that is highly portable, making it the perfect camping or survivalist must have.
Portable Solar Powered Oven Stove
Ultra lightweight so it's not going to put any extra strain on you carrying it around, it weighs in at just shy of 1 kilo.
This amazing camping gadget will ...
What if I told you that you could buy a straw that instantly cleaned any water. So basically you could drink from the toilet with this straw and while drinking it would filter your water to be clean. OK maybe you're not going to try it but the Lifestraw Water Filter is an award winning product. Supporting over 1 ...
What would be the perfect place to hide your valuables. I mean a safe can be cracked, your wallet can be lost, a hiding place can be found. Who though is going to look in skid mark underwear that is stained with dirty marks? Ain't nobody picking them up thinking there's valuables inside. This stash safe is even more ...
Imagine a world where no door was locked, a world of open doors nothing stopping you from entering where you please.
Lock Pick Training Kit
With this lock picking training kit you can master the art of lock picking a skill that started hundreds of years ago and has been used by spies, assassins, crooks and ...
The Pepsi bottle stash is a stash safe that looks just like a regular bottle of Pepsi, but when opened, contains a compartment to store cash, jewelry, drugs, or your super-secret porno stash. The Pepsi bottle saf
Choose between cow, elephant, or gorilla shit that comes in 1 quart or 1 gallon sizes to send to someone through the mail as a gag gift. Got fired? Send your old boss a box of shit. Girlfriend broke up with you? Sen
The full wine bottle glass is for when a regular size glass just won't do! When life has got you down, when the kids won't shut up, when the husbands got on your last nerve, when your boss has been a total pain in the ass and all you want is to just sit down relax and have just one glass of wine, this glass will be ...
Galileo universe necklace is a mini glass universe that sit pretty in a little necklace. I don't know if you remember the film but in Men in Black, the Will Smith movie the cat has a necklace/collar which reminds me of these so much. Inside was a whole universe.
If you are looking for a romantic gift for a partner ...
The Cloud Lamp Chandelier could be described as both a lamp but also as a piece of art, you can be sure the light will make people envious. Great for any space whether that be at home or in a business.
Cloud lamp chandelier
We've had the planet lamps and the free floating moon lamp previously and we think the ...
These LED Astronomy Planet Lamps are amazing!
You can now enjoy the wonder of our solar system without looking through a telescope or becoming and astronaut.
Astronomy Planet Lamps
The planet lamps can be used as night lights, normal lamps, as party decor or just as a center talking piece. Great for the ...
The Cats Butt Pencil Sharpener is one of a range of products based on the backside of a cat. We've already brought you the cats butt towel holder so we figured why not bring you a pencil sharpener for your collection.
Cats Butt Pencil Sharpener
I don't know where the idea originated from to make merchandise ...
The Hyperwhistle is the original "worlds loudest whistle" with up to a whopping 142db and can be heard up to 2 miles away. Plus it looks way cooler than a standard whistle.
The Hyperwhistle - Worlds Loudest Whistle
According to the listing they claim it works underwater too and features a unique radial ...
The Cat Butt Towel Holder is a novelty towel holder that can be used in the bathroom or in the kitchen for both normal towels and tea towels. We have also done a post on dog bum tea towel holder that you can check out.
In my opinion a cats butthole is always on display and I have thought in the past that it looks ...
The fish tank clock is a beta fish aquarium that doubles as a clock that you can hang on your wall. Your fish will think you like him a lot because you look at him so often, but in reality you're really just looking
The zombie foot dog toy is a dog toy that looks just like a severed foot that came from a zombie which features a fully exposed bone and everything, although I feel the bone that is protruding from the foot doesn't
This cocktail shaker is made to look just like an English Bulldog. A perfect gift idea for any bulldog owner who happens to love hand-crafted cocktails, the bulldog cocktail shaker is a great way to remind yourself
You may remember the Canonball Speaker that we featured a while back that was a circular waterproof speaker for the pool. Well, this similar Wow-Sound floating speaker does the same stuff and more. It offers 360-deg