User Posts: Geek Steve

These LED Fingerless Gloves come in pretty handy in dark and fidgety situations, OK that probably sounds a little seedy now i've read it back. Never the less ...

Pull the cards are a collection of cards that allow you to address those more complex situations. When spoken words wont suffice, you can simply whip ...

The Bubbly Blaster is one of the latest alcohol related product, as if drinking champagne wasn't lavish enough. With the champagne sprayer gun, you can now ...

Unicorns are magical and glorious beasts, they poop rainbows. So what do their farts smell like? Well you no longer have to sit and ponder on this question ...

The Nu-Flame Tabletop Fireplace is a thing of beauty. Table Top Fireplace Modern, contemporary, innovative and sleek! I love it. You can literally ...

At some point in your life you MUST have built a pillow fort, or some kind of fort that you've used the sofa, sheets, chairs, pillows and whatever else you ...

Inspire creativity and free thought with the eat, sleep, doodle bedsheets. Not your average repetitive floral patterned bedding, oh no! These allow you to ...

The Tornado electric cocktail mixer created by Metrokane is the lazy mans way of creating the perfect cocktail. No more exertion of unnecessary wrist action ...

The Gosun Go is a solar powered oven that is highly portable, making it the perfect camping or survivalist must have. Portable Solar Powered Oven Stove ...

Ever been that vain that you wanted to see your face constantly even on your breakfast toast? Well with the Selfie Toaster you can do just that. Your Face on ...

The Lovers Umbrella is another cringe worthy product for those couples who share a Facebook page. You know the ones that are so loved up but secretly don't ...

What if I told you that you could buy a straw that instantly cleaned any water. So basically you could drink from the toilet with this straw and while ...

The Giant Hip Flask is the perfect hip flask for alcoholics! I love it. We've featured the hip flask and cigar holder previously but there was just one flaw, ...

The testicle fanny pack is shaped like two big testicles. The creators claim that the man sack is the ultimate fanny pack but we're saying it's a close call ...

What would be the perfect place to hide your valuables. I mean a safe can be cracked, your wallet can be lost, a hiding place can be found. Who though is ...

These stackable Tetris light up blocks will allow you to create your own customized Tetris lamps. Tetris light up blocks | Tetris LED lamp with stackable ...

Imagine a world where no door was locked, a world of open doors nothing stopping you from entering where you please. Lock Pick Training Kit With this ...

I was born in the 80's so I remember the joy and anticipation of Saturday mornings. The only time of the week that we would be glued to the television. Unlike ...

Remember the Christmas story movie? If you do then you'll probably remember the famous leg lamp in the movie. A true piece of movie memorabilia, and now you ...

Remember the seen, where all was revealed in the Game of Thrones series. The episode where we all found out why Hodor was Hodor. But wasn't actually really ...

What better gift than to receive a personalised video message from your favourite celebrity! Well when I say that I don't mean the A class celebs like Beyonce ...

What if you could attach all the picture hanging essentials you'll need right into your tape measure? That's pretty much what the Hang-o-matic does. It ...

The cigar punch cufflinks are a set of cufflinks that are able to punch a hole through the end of your cigar when you're not manly enough to bite through it ...

Sure we've featured a one-handed bottle opener before, but this one's extra cool, because it's so tiny, and because it's magnetic. Using the magic of magnets ...

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