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Saturday Morning Cartoon Smelling Candle

Saturday Morning Cartoons Nostalgic Candle

I was born in the 80’s so I remember the joy and anticipation of Saturday mornings. The only time of the week that we would be glued to the television. Unlike the youth of today! (you know you’re getting old when that comes out of your mouth)

Cereal in hand, the tele would come on and boom cartoon marathon. My favorite time of the week. All that sugar, all of them cartoons.

Well a talented seller on the Etsy Marketplace has recreated that smell in the form of a candle. That nostalgia. That warm glowing feeling you had will come rushing over you. You’ll feel fuzzy inside from the moment you light it up and take your first whiff. For added nostalgia use your illegal streaming device to stream them classic cartoons and grab yourself a bowl of Cheerios.

The Saturday Morning Cartoon Candle is even designed to look like a bowl of cereals.

A perfect house warming gift or treat for yourself. Relive your youth.

Made from 100% soy wax, created by Witchy Witch.

Get yours from Etsy HERE.

Written by Geek Steve

Geeky entrepreneur from the UK just trying to pay the bills. I've been involved in affiliate marketing and web design for about 10 years now and it's not only a side hustle but a passion too. When I'm not working I enjoy the hobby of metal detecting, gadgets, playing the guitar and writing. I am the owner and one of the authors here at Geekzgifts.

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