21 best prank gift ideas you can send by mail | Postal pranks

It’s much more fun to have frenemies rather than just plain old boring friends. Banter wars are real and playing pranks on your friends is a must if you really want to bond better. Which is why I have researched the best prank gift ideas that you can send by mail so that you have the option to remain anonymous if you wish.

You’re going to need to be armed with ideas to ensure you win the battle with your frenemy and by reading this list you’re going to get one step ahead when sending your postal pranks!

The list I’ve devised below is packed full of hilarious but evil mail pranks that you can mail to anyone, from posting embarrassing packages to mailing animal poop in a box, perhaps you want your recipient to receive the panties knicker sniffing prank? we’ve got you covered. We have also done a detailed post on inappropriate pool floats that you can buy for summers, so don’t forget to check that out.

Before ordering any of the below here’s a bonus tip for maximum embarrassment. Always add signed for delivery at checkout 🙂 You’re welcome.

Best prank gift ideas you can send by mail | Postal pranks

Here’s the list of best mail and postal pranks.

Mail Butt Hole Stretcher Gag Gift Box

This prank gift comes in a plain white box with a funny and NSFW product label. It also has a prank card inside. As a result, the victim has no idea about his/her secret benefactor. Since the product has no packing slip, invoice or receipt, it is truly an anonymous prank gift that you can send by mail without any repercussions to you.

Mail Animal Poop

As featured not so long back here at Geekzgifts we discovered that you could actually send real animal poop.

Not only that but you could choose the type of animal you want your shit to come from. Choose from an elephant, a cow or an actual gorilla. Still not satisfied? Send a mixture of them all. Hell they even let you select the weight of the poop you mail.

Send Poop Through The Post

This genius idea started at the website poopsenders.com and they are absolutely killing it selling poop to evil pranksters.

Big Ass Dildo Prank Package

This fully customizable package is the ultimate in embarrassment for the recipient. At a whopping 13″ length by 2.5″ wide the “Big ass dildo” package is the perfect prank mail gift idea.

On the front of the package in plain sight for the postal workers to see is the fake companies web address “bigassdildos.com” and a cringeworthy catchphrase that says “Thank you & CUM again”.

Available to send straight from Amazon brought to you by the seller “Witti Yetti” you can completely customise the embarrassing package with your frenemies name and address.

Glitter Bomb Postal Prank

An oldie but a goldie, the mail glitter bombs continue to increase in popularity year after year and there is a good reason for this. It’s annoying as shit.

Glitter Bomb Mail Prank

If any of you have ever decided to do crafts at home and used this sparkly annoyance then you know that you’ll be discovering it for weeks, if not months, after you’ve tidied it away. It gets quite literally everywhere.

In fact someone put a glittery headband on me at a party I was at not so long back and even after showering, a few days later at work my colleagues mocked me and said I was wearing glittery makeup as I was sparkling.

Spring loaded and hidden in a discreet plain packaged tube, you can have the glitter bomb sent directly to your victim in the mail.

Upon opening the loaded spring will push the tube of glitter out at speed. These are seriously ram packed full of glitter and guaranteed to make a mess.

Frustration Box US Postal Prank

Next on our prank mail list is the aptly named “Frustration Box” a realistic every day normal shipping box that can be customized.

Frustration Box Impossible To Open Prank Mail Gift

It’s basically near on impossible to open and you spark your victims curiosity initially because something is rattling inside and it has weight to it, convincing them it’s a real parcel with something good inside.

To make this postal prank even better you can even add the option for more tape and a nice little personalized message to let them know you ruined their day.

Micro Penis Cure

Previously in the list we featured a similar mail prank idea with the highly embarrassing “big ass dildos” package.

Micro Penis Cure Mail Prank

Well this is one for a male victim. Firstly they are going to have to contend with the embarrassment of the packaging which lets everyone know about their micro penis but secondly it hides another prank.
A confetti bomb. So after they have gotten over having to look the mailman (or woman) in the eye they are going to be curious to know what’s inside the package.

BOOM. Confetti bomb. Mess everywhere. Now they have a micro penis and a messy home. You Win.

Sniff Panties & Knickers Post Prank

Another shameful fake packaging mail prank but this time its the ultimate panties sniffing prank, you can almost feel the awkwardness of having to take this from the mail man.

Pantie Sniffing Underwear Embarassing Postal Prank

The knicker sniffing mail prank has extra little messages on them to add to the shame “worn for 48 hours as requested”.

You can either add the signed for delivery or have it delivered at a time when they aren’t going to be home, hoping their girlfriend, wife, parents or siblings see the pantie sniffing prank post first.

The bad thing is I can only find one or two services that sends these in the UK. With that being said there’s nothing to stop you making your own.

Bag of dicks

Perhaps you’re a person who likes to just get their message across and doesn’t want to stay anonymous. Sometimes you just need to tell someone to eat a bag of dicks.

Mail A Bag Of Dicks Eat A Bag Of Dicks Prank

With this hilarious mail prank gift you can have a full bag of gummy penises delivered to your frenemy. With a nice message to tell them to “eat a bag of dicks”

You still have the choice though to stay anonymous if you want to send the to your boss.

Pretend Adult DVD rental prank by mail

Remember the days when you could subscribe to Blockbusters DVD rentals by post. You’d choose the DVD you wanted and it would be sent out to your door by post. You even got free post to send it back once the rental was up.

Adult DVD Rental Mail Gift Prank

Well renting DVD’s via post was a thing of the past until now. Well technically it’s not a real rental DVD service but it is highly funny mail prank.

Direct from Amazon you can send out a mock up adult DVD cover such as the one above in the image, sporting hot men covered in milk and aptly named Milk it featuring stars such as “Jack Hammer” “Tommy Salami” and “Buck Naked”

Sure to absolutely destroy anyone in the prank battles. They are never going to live this one down especially with a signed for delivery or if one of their family sees it!

Spider in a box

The spider in a box is kind of like a jack in a box, but with a spring loaded spider that’s going to jump out at your prank victim. Especially effective for those with a fear of spiders.

Prank Spider Box Mail Prank

Have this unsuspecting plain wooden box gift wrapped and send to your frenemy, they’ll see the wooden box after unwrapping the paper and think its going to be something nice and thoughtful. Then…

Boing Spider jumps out at them giving them a heart attack and potentially killing them dead.

Mail a potato

Yes you heard me right. A potato. Mail a Potato is a thing and it’s more popular than you’d probably imagine. So if you’re looking for a good basic simple prank? “Starch here” Do you see what I did there?

Mail a Potato in A Box Prank

You can send a potato via the post with the message of your choosing on it and trust me the creators of this prank by mail are killing it with orders. They also appeared on Shark tank and were able to secure funding for this unique idea.

Choose to stay anonymous and confuse the shit out of your victim or send a heartfelt personal message on your potato in a box.

STI testing kit

What’s more mortifyingly embarrassing than people thinking you’ve contracted a sexually transmitted disease?

STI Testing Kit Mail Prank

The fake STI kit can be sent to anyone you like to anywhere you like. Like the office they work at perhaps!

Sent in a realistic postal box with bold STI Testing Kit “satisfy that itch” plastered large as life on the front of it. This is a perfect mail prank to send to friends!

Glitter pubes postal prank

This one is a bit more good humored as compared to some of the other similar postal prank gift boxes that we have listed above. What can be more embarrassing for your friend than a box that educates people on how the pubic hair can be made more dazzling.

Anal Bleaching Kit postal prank idea

Anal bleaching didn’t even exist to me up until about a year back. Yes I know I’ve been living under a rock. It was on a documentary I was watching! Well I pissed with laughter.

Anal Bleaching Prank Mail Package

From the same maker as the aforementioned STI prank, this postal box is decorated with Anal bleaching kit. Down the brown, and obviously a couple of sheriffs badges.

Another hilarious postal/mail prank idea that you can add to your arsenal.

Middle Finger Envelope With Added Glitter

When I first saw the flip the bird envelope it was just a plain envelope with a middle finger that showed up, upon opening. Well I investigated further for added evil “muahahahha”.

Flip The Bird In The Mail With A Glitter Envelope Prank

You can get the middle finger envelope and fill it to the brim with glitter. For added punishment. Once the glitter has fallen all over their floor and all over their clothes. You’ll have the satisfaction of flipping them the bird. You could even send them the flip the bird mug after.

Oh it also says Hello. I imagine you can have this changed though to something more sinister.

Fart in a box prank by mail

So the fart in a box. A prank mail gift.

I Farted In This Box Mail Prank

Basically you’re paying for empty packaging with a printed out label that says you farted in this box.

What’s actually stopping you from buying an empty box actually farting in it, sealing it shut as quick as possible, making it airtight then sending to your victim.

At least then you have the added satisfaction that you did indeed fart in the box, who knows the smell may even make it there. I’m sure it was big in Asian countries for them to purchase air from countries with less pollution?

You could even take a video of you farting in the box to show them after.

Just an idea.

Eat a dick chocolate mail prank

A completely new way of telling someone to eat a dick.

Eat a dick chocolate dick gift

The “Don” is a huge lifelike penis, complete with veiny shaft, sculpted head and sagging balls.

You can now send the eat a dick chocolate package to just about anyone you want.

Send Thousands Of Live Lady Bugs In The Post

Yes you read that correctly. Live lady bugs. Real living insects. Thousands of them.

Send Live Ladybugs In The Post

Initially used for pest control purposes, I just thought that they would have better uses. Like the ultimate mail prank to your friend, frenemy or your actual enemy!

I mean when 1500 live creepy crawlies turn up what the hell are they going to do with them? Not only that it’s really going to mess with someone’s head.

Hopefully they escape in the victims home as these things breed fast.

Sand in a box mail prank

We all know when you go to the beach its inevitable when you arrive home you’re going to have brought half of that beach back with you, in your trainers, in your hair, in your clothes and pretty much everywhere else. So we all know just how annoying it is cleaning sand up for days. Which is why this Sand in a box postal prank exists!

Sand in a box postal prank

Send your frenemy this sand in the box so when they sit down all excited and relaxed thinking that they have received something kind and thoughtful, boom sand everywhere!

Masturbation Socks Prank Mail Box

Imagine the pure embarrassment of the receive of this prank box! The masturbation socks prank mail package even comes with an actual pair of white gym socks. Remember to add signed for delivery at the check out and time it when your friends mom or partner are home!

Masturbation Socks Prank Gift Box

Fake parking tickets pranks

These fake parking tickets look very realistic and can be used to give a shocker to your friends or sworn enemies. They also have a space for you to write any remarks that you might have. The ticket has about 30 offense options printed and would take sometime before your victim can realize that he/she is being pranked.

Geek Steve
Geek Steve

Geeky entrepreneur from the UK just trying to pay the bills. I've been involved in affiliate marketing and web design for about 10 years now and it's not only a side hustle but a passion too. When I'm not working I enjoy the hobby of metal detecting, gadgets, playing the guitar and writing. I am the owner and one of the authors here at Geekzgifts.
