Peanut Butter Pump

The Peanut Butter Pump doesn’t just keep your hands clean but it also ensures you get the maximum amount of that nutty goodness from the peanut butter jar.

Peanut Butter Pump

If you’re a huge fan of peanut butter, like me, you’ll know that taking a spoon to the jar and filling your face with it is nothing new. When I was a young boy my Grandpa introduced me to this crunchy creamy heaven. We used to sit and watch Sunday Wrestling and share a jar both with spoons in hand.

It won’t come as a surprise to hear that someone has invented a peanut butter pump. It’s a clever little kitchen gadget that attaches to the jar and let’s you get the peanut butter more efficiently.

Personally I didn’t see any real issues with the jars but apparently it’s a problem for some that it warrants a solution.

Peanut Butter Pump Snacks

Remember I am in the UK and I know that in the US peanut butter comes in a whole lot more variety than it does over here. We also aren’t partial to peanut butter and jelly (jam)

The peanut butter pump is a very simple device that sits on the top of the jar and has a scraper that works its way down as you pump ensuring that you get every last little bit of that yumminess from the sides. Nobody wants to waste peanut butter right?

It comes with two different nozzles. The first has a wider mouth. This is for sandwiches giving a wider stream. So it’s easier to spread. The second is more of a pointed nozzle for things like snacks and smoothies. Perfect for recipes…Or if you’re like me pumping straight into your mouth!!

Made from silicone, rubber, plastic tubes and a spring, the peanut butter pump prides itself on being food safe and can be easily taken to pieces to clean.

In the US the pump would work perfectly with most 40oz tubs, it simply replaces the standard lid. Andy Scherer the inventor started the project over on Indiegogo as a crowd funder and it gained traction and attention pretty rapidly. He had the idea after trying to spread peanut butter on some soft bread for his children and quickly came up with the perfect solution.

If you can’t wait until the official peanut butter bump comes to the market then, as with everything, others have landed quite quickly. Although not describing themselves as peanut butter pumps as not to kick off any lawsuits on the painted design.

See the peanut butter pump advert below!


Geek Steve
Geek Steve

Geeky entrepreneur from the UK just trying to pay the bills. I've been involved in affiliate marketing and web design for about 10 years now and it's not only a side hustle but a passion too. When I'm not working I enjoy the hobby of metal detecting, gadgets, playing the guitar and writing. I am the owner and one of the authors here at Geekzgifts.
