Giant slinky toy
At some point in your childhood your parents must have given you a slinky and told you to go play, while they do their “adulting” things. Chances have it though they never gave you a giant slinky toy! Perhaps that’s what they were doing while pacifying you with your normal sized slinky!
Giant slinky toy
The Slinky sold over 300 million units in the first 60 years of it being created. So there is no surprise someone went one step further and created the giant slinky. This original giant slinky also turned out to be extremely popular.

I remember having some great fun with this toy making my little brother wait at the bottom of the stairs while I set it off in its motion, boing, boing, boing I was in ore. Then I made him bring it back to me so I could do it again (he had all the fun)
If you want to feel nostalgia, then the giant slinky is for you. Measuring 9.5″ tall x 6.75 diameter it truly is giant. Get your girlfriend to hold one end while you see how far this bad boy can stretch. The whole room is no problem!
It’s almost hypnotizing watching the rainbow of colors roll together as it is in motion. Awww science.
Width wise its not much smaller than the width of your stairs so you will have to be accurate before you set it off on its springy journey. If I was you I would find some industrial stairs somewhere and play with it there.
For me it’s always been the more simple of toys that were the most entertaining, give me a slinky over and iPad any day of the week! No cables, no charging, no manuals, no instructions. Just pure fun.
If you want to see the giant slinky in motion then check out this video!