3 Player Round Chess Board Lets You Play 3 Man Chess

This awesome round chess board allows you to play 3 man chess without compromising the rules or strategic play of the game. In fact it only adds to it. You’re going to need trust and tactics to be crowned the overall winner.

3 Player Round Chess Board

3 Man Chess Board

I don’t know if you have seen it but there’s recently been a series on Netflix called the queens gambit and since it landed chess has really taken off again. In fact sales increased in the US by 87%

However at Geekz Gifts we like to feature unusual items so we found this chess board with a difference.

Firstly as you can see from the picture the 3 man chess board is completely round which is miles apart from your usual square chess boards. It’s been designed this way for a reason though. To allow 3 people to play chess.

This 3 man chess board comes complete with 48 quality pieces that have been crafted in solid resin and a circular PVC chess board. The board itself is hinged so it can be folded in half and transported with you.

The 3 man chess board is approximately 3mm thick and 48cm in diameter and gives a completely new spin on chess.

I’ve never been very good at chess myself and its never really tickled my fancy, although I really did enjoy the Queens gambit. That being said playing with 3 players kind of adds to the fun of playing chess.

3 Man Chess in The Round is sure to be a hit with chess fans and is going to make for a fantastic party game with friends but be aware that when you’re playing with 3 players the enemy of your enemy may just be your friend.

Geek Steve
Geek Steve

Geeky entrepreneur from the UK just trying to pay the bills. I've been involved in affiliate marketing and web design for about 10 years now and it's not only a side hustle but a passion too. When I'm not working I enjoy the hobby of metal detecting, gadgets, playing the guitar and writing. I am the owner and one of the authors here at Geekzgifts.
