19 funny dog toys & accessories you can actually buy
These weird, unusual and funny dog toys & accessories are sure to brighten up your day. Well some perhaps. Others will probably leave you wondering why oh why does it even exist.
Funny dog toys and accessories
Dogs once upon a time were considered pets and property, nowadays they are part of the family, with many people buying gifts for their dogs birthday or just spoiling them rotten and treating them like their very own kin.
Some of these funny accessories & toys for dogs you may have seen before or may even own, but some you’ll not be aware of.
We’ve scoured the furthest corners of the web to bring you a list of unusual, unique and funny dog toys, who knows perhaps you’ll even get an idea of what to buy your dog for its next birthday!
Here they are in no particular order 19 weird & funny dog toys and accessories.
Moustache Dog Toy

These have been around for quite some time now but still worthy of our list. The moustache dog chew is hilarious and is sure to make you laugh consistently well at least for the first week or two. Its quite straight forward, your dog chews down on the toy and all you’ll see is your dog wearing a moustache.
Your dog will be none the wiser happy in his own slobbering world while you take pictures for Instagram to share your laughs with everyone else.
Mexican Corona Beer

OK not real beer, your dog believe it or not doesn’t even know that beer is a thing. However I’m aware that some of you out there will want to pretend you have the coolest dog around and even share a beer with them. (Please don’t give your dog actual alcohol) so the next best thing is this replica soft dog toy of a Mexican Corona beer.
Complete with a slice of lime for added coolness. You can only give this to your dog if he is of mexican origins like the picture.
The Grrrona Mexican plush dog toy measures approx 6″ x 3″ x 2″.
The Chill Pill

Sometimes your dogs going to be a little stressed and unfortunately they don’t have the luxury of being able to visit a therapist or a doctor to beg for a prescription of prozac. So whats the next best thing to help your dog relax and to relieve its stress.
Well of course its the Pawzac, a large precsription pill plushy for your dog to chew on and cuddle with decorated with the words “Pawzac” which is obviously a play on the word Prozac. Of course this pill plushy exists for your dog.
Love Doll

We all have needs right? If we are lonely and in need of loving we can just go out and get some or if we aren’t blessed with the gift of words and god like looks then there is always the option for us to buy love dolls or blow up dolls. So what’s your dog going to do when he has needs? Hump your leg? The pillow? We can’t have that now can we.
So why not treat your dog to a dog love doll. Expertly designed for maximum relief and comfort. A humping dog is a happy dog.
Dog CD

Yes a CD Album full of calming and soothing music for dogs. Apparently they actually work. I don’t actually believe they would work on my dog. He’s more into gangster rap. He also says he’d just prefer a big chew.
Funny Faces

Similar to the mustache toys for dogs, these funny face toys work in the same way. Your dog just thinks these are a standard chew toy but little known to them once they put them in their mouth to chew down, these funny face dog toys will make it look like they have a funny face.
There are a plethora of these available, so you’ll never get bored of pointing at your dog and laughing.
Fancy Dress

As if we haven’t already embarrassed your dog enough so far in this list. Well as they are part of the family now they are going to need to be able to dress up for fancy dress parties and for Halloween.
This is why someone decided to create a range of fancy dress costumes for your pooch. There’s just too many to list so we thought we’d feature our favorite, the child’s play dog costume.
Non-Alcoholic Dog Beer

Again with the beer! Mans best friend. Well as we know most men are fans of beer. So no doubt you want to share a cold one with your best friend and thus the non-alcoholic dog beers were born. Brew Dog by Sub Woofer is an alcohol free beer for your dog.
Dog Umbrella

I don’t know about your dog but my dog actually loves the rain. He’s an American husky and you can’t get him out of the house up until its raining. He sits in the middle of the yard. Anyway for those of you with pampered pooches you can now get them their very own dog umbrella.
To keep them dry on a walk.
Pawdicure Pens

Without a shadow of a doubt one of the most weird dog products we found. A pedicure pen set and dog nail polish. The pawdicure pens are dog safe and come in a variety of colors including, pink, red, green and even neon.
Yup, you can now sit your dog down and paint its nails to make it look even prettier. I just hope his doggy friends don’t see them.

When I first saw the word dog tattoos, my jaw dropped. I initially thought people were actually taking the needle to the dogs (this has happened and should be banned) but then we quickly discovered they are just temporary tattoos. Just tattoos and dogs.
I’m really not sure. Funny dog toys and accessory though I suppose.
Flower Butthole Cover

This has to be the funniest dog toy & accessory on our list. Allow your dog to keep its dignity by covering up its butthole with a flower. These are way more popular than you would believe. They come in a plethora of designs and styles. I can’t help but think about the application of it.
This has got to be awkward placing the sticker on your dogs butt. The “Rear Gear” for dogs. Wow.
Clip On High Chair

You still can’t convince me that dogs should eat with us at a table. I know, I know some of you are probably thinking I’m cruel. I do love my dog. That being said some people would go as far as making a dog extra comfortable at the dinner table, introducing the clip on high chair for small dogs.
Marilyn Monroe Fancy Dress
Yes I know we featured fancy dress costumes for dogs, however we just could not resist featuring the Marilyn Monroe Dog costume. I mean come on. It comes with breasts.
Why oh why lord. Why would you do this. Its hilarious though, one of the funniest dog products I’ve ever seen. Nearly as funny as the Madonna costume for dogs. Complete with cone shaped like a virgin breasts!
Giant Shoe Croc Dog Bed

Crocs! Not for your feet. I have a big hate for crocs. Anyway. This is a croc shaped shoe dog bed. So your dog can sleep in a giant shoe. Just because a normal bed is not good enough.

One of my favorites no matter how ridiculous the designs on the outside of the peekapet dog window guards, they still are a fantastic idea! What dog doesn’t love hanging its head out of the car window to feel the wind in its fur! They keep your dog safe and also make them look pretty silly at the same time!
The peekapet ladies and gentlemen.

Dog cologne! For when your dogs out on the town looking for a companion. He’s going to need to smell fresh and at his best. That’s why someone invented the dog cologne aftershave for his dog. He was sick of his dog coming back sad and empty handed because he smelt like a normal dog.
If you’ve got a female dog, we have you covered too with the Pawfume.
Puppy Twitter Tweeter

The Puppy twitter is effectively a collar that goes on your dog and sends you messages and tweets you directly. The most weird dog product yet. The dog doesn’t actually send you messages believe it or not.
Just random messages from the collar when the dog barks or even moves. Unless they have figured out how to tap into a dogs brainwaves. These have sold way more times than they should have lol.
Poop Trap- Our top pick from the most funny dog toys & accessories

Oh come on! Nobody enjoys cleaning up dog poop. But really! Wow. A bag for your dogs ass. That catches its poop. The pure shame your dogs going to feel wearing one of these when he sees his friends. Or her friends. Its going to need to be a big bag for my dog!
I can’t help but feel after working out how to attach the collar and then the bag and then removing the bag and binning the bag, it would just be much easier to pick it straight up!
There we have it 19 weird and funny dog toys and products. If you’ve got anything to add to this list feel free to leave us a comment we may just add it!