Vape hoodie | Vaprwear hoodie
The vape hoodie, aka the vaporizer hoodie is a cool hoodie that allows you to discreetly smoke your vape through the hoodie drawstrings.
Vape hoodie | Vaprwear hoodie

Created by the designer Elvis “Papi” Edwards, who is better known for being an athlete, model and business man. (As if he hadn’t achieved enough already) and his company VaprWear has designed and manufactured a whole range of vaping clothing.
How does this product work?
The concept of this hoodie is that you can puff away via the cords or drawstrings discreetly without standing out like a sore thumb. You simply place your vaporizer device in one of the hidden pockets and hook it up the the vape delivery system and puff a way!
This unique drawstring delivery system is compatible with all vape cartridge systems and e-cigarettes. If you’re partial to a bit of medicinal marijuana in vape form then also these hoodies are perfect!
There’s a whole line for you to look at if you’re interested including things like vape backpacks, headwear, t-shirts and more. So if you are someone really interested in stealth vaping, choosing from these wearable range of products.
See the vape hoodie here on YouTube.