Treadmill with workstation | Standing workstation with treadmill

We are all aware of the fact that working out and exercising regularly is extremely important for a healthy life. However with our busier and busier lifestyles, it has become extremely difficult to get a dedicated block of 30 minutes to an hour for exercising. This has got even tougher with work from home option, that got triggered by the covid-19 pandemic. Treadmill with workstation is a unique product that allows you to squeeze in some exercise even when you have a time crunch by enabling you to work at the same time.


Treadmill with workstation

Walking is considered to be an extremely good exercise to overcome the ill effects of sitting for long periods of time on your work desk. In fact a lot of doctors recommend walking a minimum of 10,000 steps in a day to ensure an overall healthy body. For people who don’t have time to hit the gym everyday, use of a treadmill with a standing workstation can be extremely beneficial. 

What is the meaning of ‘Standing workstations with treadmill’?

Treadmills with workstation commonly is used to refer to those treadmills that come with a standing desk. This standing desk consists of a flat surface positioned parallel to the ground slightly above the waist height. A user can work while they are walking on the treadmill at the same time with this equipment.

Nowadays there are even separate desks available in the market that can be used as as accessory for existing treadmills.

Why are the treadmill workstations gaining so much popularity?

This product has been gaining more and more popularity in the last decade as our work lives have limited our physical movement more and more.

In fact is they were already popular even before 2010. But they have gained higher acceptance due to an increase in lifestyle issues for office workers. These lifestyle issues arise from sitting hunched over your desk throughout the day and getting negligible to very little physical work during office hours.

Such issues can include problems like persistent back pain, heart diseases and obesity. In fact the chances of dying prematurely also multiply many folds if you are spending long hours on your desk in a sitting position.

This is the reason why accessories like Office ball chairs are also becoming more and more common.

What are the benefits of the treadmill workstation? 

Here are some of the most common benefits that you can derive you by using the treadmill with workstation. 

  • Since a treadmill desk allows you to take care of your health without putting additional pressure on your work timings, It leads to much more healthy workplace.
  • Not only are these exercise cum work equipments a welcome addition to modern day office spaces but they can also serve as a great addition for home offices in the current scenario when more and more people are working from home.
  • These equipments can act as a communal resources for offices as well. They can be used by people while working to avoid sitting longer hours at a stretch.
  • It helps you in burning the additional calories and taking the full benefit of walking as an exercise. If you are someone who is extremely conscious of your overall calorie intake for reduction in weight, these workstations can come in really handy.
  • For people who spend long hours sitting at their computers on their office desks, problems like neck pain and shoulder pain are all too common. The increased popularity of accessories like the yoga wheel are a testament to these lifestyle problems.
  • Use of standing workstation along with the treadmill can help you to ensure that you can make a daily routine and stick to it.
  • The ability to exercise regularly by use of treadmill tasks has also been demonstrated to have a positive impact on focus and attention. It also increases overall worker productivity in some studies.  

What are the precautions that you should take before using a workstation treadmill?

It is extremely important to be careful when using a treadmill with workstation since the chances of injuring yourself for extremely high if you don’t pay complete attention. Here are the precautions that you must take while using this exercise equipment.

  • It is important to ensure that the work desk is completely stable. Otherwise, you will be distracted and may injure yourself while adjusting your laptop.
  • When using a traditional treadmill you are constantly on the lookout for your position and the danger of falling from the back. In this case, you have to maintain your walking speed same as treadmill speed without holding the supportive rails. That is why you should always ensure that there is sufficient space on the treadmill and the danger of falling off is minimal.
  • You also need to ensure that you are not walking at a very fast pace because working and walking very fast at the same time will be extremely difficult to achieve in a safe manner.

Treadmill desk pros and cons

With all the benefits and precautions listed, we will now examine the most important question of whether buying or using a treadmill with workstation is suitable for you? Also, would buying it add any value in your life. Here are the factors that you should consider while making that final decision.

  • As an exercise equipment they definitely have a lot of advantages. Not only they help you to overcome lifestyle diseases but also aid in burning calories and improving overall well being.
  • These treadmills are quite costly as equipments and would require a substantial investment. That is why you need to be 100% sure that this is something that you will be able to use successfully.
  • As a user, doing work while exercising needs a lot practice and if you are not able to maintain concentration you might end up hurting yourself. This is something that you should consider before making the final decision.
  • One of the biggest advantage of using a treadmill is that your regular tasks like web surfing reading can be done successfully while exercising because they don’t require a lot of concentration. Once you have burnt the required calories and your your mind is rested, you can get back to your work desk and work with full attention.
  • As an equipment, treadmills with workstations are quite unwieldy and will need a lot of space.
  • In addition they will also need regular maintenance and there would be an expense for that.


Treadmill with workstation is a great addition for someone who is pressed for time but does not want to compromise on his or her health and overall well being. They can be a great investment provided you are able to overcome the initial learning curve of being able to work and walk at the same time.


I have been working on blogging and affiliate marketing for more than 5 years. It is a hobby and passion of mine.
