Dog Powered Scooter Uses Your Dog To Propel You Around
Imagine a world with a dog powered scooter! Well you don’t have to imagine anymore because these exist. What a time to be alive.
Dog powered scooter
Sometimes the thought of walking the dog can be such a pain especially if you’ve had a hard day at work, but poor old Rex needs walking.
Take a regular scooter and place the dog scooter attachment at the side of it and using the power of your dog, away you go! Everyone’s a winner. The dog gets walked and you don’t have to use a single bit of energy. Plus you’re gonna have fun steering and braking.
It gets even better because the dog powered scooters have multiple versions so there’s something for everyone.
The “Serious dog powered scooter” is perfect for large, strong, fast dogs and can also be used by more than one dog at a time. It features disc brakes, a long wheelbase, 20 inch tires with rough terrain tread. It will hold up to a 300lb passenger (you being the passenger)
The “Recreational dog powered scooter” is for either 2 mid sized or one larger dog. Standard brakes, short wheel base, 20″ street tires. This will hold up to a 250lb passenger.
Finally the “Bolt on Dog pulling system” is the trike version of the above with awesome handling, steering and braking.
If you haven’t got a dog trust me now is the time to get one, you’re going to have hours of endless fun and your dog keeps fit and healthy.
Check out this video of the dog propelled scooter attachment in all its glory below!