Contact Us

You can contact us using the form on this page or via one of the many social media platforms. We look forward to hearing from you*

*unless you’re a spammer. Then you may not contact us. If you do we will be forced to hunt you down. We don’t want any more Viagra or anatomy extensions and we will not be assisting you in your transfer of 80 billion dollars US. Thank you.

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Do you sell products on Geekz Gifts?

Not at the moment no. We do not hold any physical stock. We link to the products we find on places like eBay, Amazon, Etsy, Wish and more. We may receive a small commission when you buy a product after clicking one of our links.

Do you ship to my country?

As we don’t hold any stock we do not organise shipping. The vendor that you buy your product from ie eBay, Amazon, Etsy Wish etc will be able to tell you if they ship to your country. We only link to these websites and do not sell products.

What is your return policy?

Read above. We do not sell products and do not have a return policy in place. The marketplace you buy the product from will be able to tell you more about return policies.

The product you’re linking to is not available/link is broken. What now?

If you find a product on our website and click the link and you see a not available message this could be that the vendor has run out of stock. Perform a search for the product on the search bar to check if a different seller has the item.

Also sometimes the product becomes discontinued for various reasons, we’d really appreciate it if you drop us a message and make us aware of broken links.

Can I send you info on a product I found online that I think will be good for your site?

Yup! We really would appreciate the help. Our website depends on people like yourself to help us find the best content to share. Fill out the form on this page or send us an email.

Can I send you my product to feature on your website?

Of course. You can visit the submissions page which will explain more about the process.
