Critter Cruisers: Pet powered exercise car for hamsters and Gerbils
Critter Cruisers are totally cool whips for your rodents. I mean we spoil dogs and cats don’t we with all kinds of luxuries so why can’t you spoil your hamster, guinea pig, mouse or pet rat!

Critter Cruisers: Exercise car for hamsters and Gerbils
These funny little vehicles have been designed for your rodent to look cool while keeping healthy and exercising.
The car works in three different ways, stationary, cruising and directly on a separate track you can by called Kaytee’s Hamtrac. Track is sold separately but is totally worth the investment.
When you’re cleaning out your pet hamster or gerbils cage you can pop them into their awesome sports whip and let them explore and cruise around.
To say the least watching your little critter speeding around is going to be fun and entertaining for all of the family!
All round a hilarious novelty hamster wheel for your rodent created from a durable plastic the Critter cruiser required no batteries and is powered by good old fashioned leg work. Not your legs though. Your rodents.
Measures approximately 6 X 12 X 9 and comes in various styles and colors.