Bean bag onesie | Snuggie with bean bag
While researching for unique gifts sometimes when we come across a product, we think to ourselves ‘Does this really exist’? The bean bag onesie or the snuggie with seating is one such product. The booty bean bag onesie allows you to sit anywhere without worrying about comfort.
Bean bag onesie or the snuggie with bean bag

I like big butts and I can not lie!! Introducing the Big booty onesie or also known as the junk in the trunk onesie. This onesie features a built in bag right on the tush for maximum comfort no more J Lo butt envy. You can have your own.
Originally the bean bag butt onesie was the creation of Think Geek (what happened to those guys) as an April fools joke but as with everything on the internet someone made it happen.
No matter where you go while wearing this onesie you’ll always be ready for maximum comfort simply plonk your butt down and relax. Perfect for when you gather at the “rents” house at Christmas and your fat brother has taken up all the space on the couch.
Made up of cotton and infilled with polyester fiber and tiny little comfy polystyrene balls the booty bean bag onesie comes in only one color. Green. We hope for more.
Onesies are the ultimate creation for lounging around and keeping warm they were created for comfort and the junk in the trunk onesie takes it to a whole new level. Effectively you’re taking a comfy seat where ever you go while wearing it. If you’re brave enough you can wear it out! No more hard public transport seating. You could even master the twerk, shake your beanie booty and make some serious dollar!
After you buy your junk in the trunk onesie you’ll be “keeping butt with the kardashians”.
Oh I do make myself laugh sometimes.