The confetti balloon is a giant balloon that is filled with confetti so that once you pop it, confetti explodes out of it, encompassing your room with wild ...
You've been with your girlfriend for 2 years now, it's about time you pop that question! So how do you go-about making your girlfriend the happiest she's ever ...
When cooking pasta, it's always good to have a timer set. That's because things can go from Al Dente to Al Don'te real quick. Sure, cooking spaghetti seems ...
The Gatekeeper keychain is a keychain that knows how close you are to your computer and when you reach a certain distance it will lock your computer, and when ...
There are times when you could really use a blanket, but you forgot to pack one. Probably because packing a blanket required way too much room in your car and ...
You never know when you're going to need some hot sauce, so instead of carrying around a giant bottle of it in your purse or in your pocket everywhere you go, ...
The Brutus the Bulldog keychain is a keychain that looks like a french bulldog which you can throw on your keys in case you find yourself walking down a dark ...
The Gotcha Cap is a baseball style cap that contains a hidden self defense tool under the bill of the cap. Created by Fab Defense, a high-quality weapon ...
The Spraytect iPhone case is a case for smartphones that has mace attached to it, so that in case of emergencies, you can spray mace in the eyes of an ...
Who wants to be a real life Mr Miyagi? If so you should really check out these home grown Bonsai kits. I mean who can even think of Bonsai trees without ...
If you're a huge Pokemon fan then you need the Medieval Codex Pokemon book in your life! The aptly named Codex Pokemonus is an illustrated manuscript that ...
Keeping fishes as pets is a very popular hobby. However, as a fish owner the options that you have to do something funny or quirky or funny are very limited. ...
Much like how the Darth Vader oven mitt could be used to lure hungry Jedi's over to the dark side by cooking them yummy chocolate chip cookies, this Death Star ...
Using ice cubes to keep the whisky chilled is a strict 'No' for the people who are hardcore whiskey fans. The reason is that water from melting ice dilutes ...
Who doesn't love jumping on a trampoline! You get to soar through the sky while doing all sorts of fun flips and tricks. But when it's time for bed the fun ...
Whenever my dog is in the car, he's whining for me to open the window so he can hang outside while we drive. Every once in a while, he accidentally pushes the ...
The Zero G, touted as the Spider-Man of iPhone cases, allows you to stick your phone to any vertical wall. Perfect for no hands selfies, watching a movie ...
The worlds gone mad with the Coronavirus Pandemic. We're all locked down and stuck indoors. What's there to do other than drink yourself into oblivion and ...
Remember the days when gamin was much simpler, when we had good old consoles like the NES, Nintendo Entertainment System. No online gaming, just you vs the ...
In this day and age mobile devices have become part of us. We live in our phones and although not attached anatomically they are now an extension of our arms. ...
Star Wars characters painted on canvas in a way that you have never seen them before, enjoying the finer and more "normal" things in life. Like Darth for an ...
This water balloon Russian roulette game could just be the best party game we've ever seen! Water balloon Russian roulette game Russian Roulette for ...
Noke is the world's first Bluetooth padlock that uses your smartphone to unlock it, plus it doesn't have a key or a keyhole on it so no one can pick it. ...
If you're looking for the most geeky way of holding your toilet paper in your bathroom, it could be this medieval knight holder, but it's most likely going to ...
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