Apple AirTag
This handy little gadget is the perfect stocking stuffer this Christmas as a gift. The receiver can locate anything with an Apple AirTag. Since it is very compact, it can also be used as a part of the keychain so that it is available at all times, even for emergencies.

Apple AirTag- Best stocking stuffer
This cool gadget uses the massive network of apple devices to locate just about anything. All lost items including luggage can be tracked with it. If you lose something in your home also, it can be used to find the exact location of the object.
For items like luggage which are not in your network, you can take the help of millions of Apple devices across the world to locate your stuff. In addition, all the communication with it is completely encrypted for privacy and data security.
Setting up of the device is also quite comfortable and it can be connected instantly with an iPhone or an iPad.