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Full wine bottle glass from Bigmouth inc

Full wine bottle glass from Bigmouth inc

The full wine bottle glass is for when a regular size glass just won't do! When life has got you down, when the kids won't shut up, when the husbands got on your last nerve, when your boss has been a total pain in the ass and all you want is to just sit down relax and have just one glass of wine, this glass will be ...

Dammit Doll – President Donald Trump

Dammit Doll – President Donald Trump

Dammit Doll President Trump is a stress relief doll that you can basically smash the sh** out of to stop you from killing others. Dammit Doll - President Donald Trump We've had the president toilet brush and Trump chia pet so now we bring you the Trump stress doll. It's a 12 inch doll made to look like ...

Tactical Christmas Stocking

Tactical Christmas Stocking

The Tactical Christmas Stocking is one of the coolest stockings we've ever seen. It takes away the fluff and glitter from Christmas and kicks it's ass with some hardcore military power. Tactical Christmas Stocking Great for any soldier, survivalist, camping enthusiast and more. Imagine how great these will look ...

Galileo universe necklace | A galaxy you can hold in your hand

Galileo universe necklace | A galaxy you can hold in your hand

Galileo universe necklace is a mini glass universe that sit pretty in a little necklace. I don't know if you remember the film but in Men in Black, the Will Smith movie the cat has a necklace/collar which reminds me of these so much. Inside was a whole universe. If you are looking for a romantic gift for a partner ...

Flynova flying spinner toy

Flynova flying spinner toy

The Flynova flying spinner toy is a revolutionary new toy that's sure to blow some minds and entertain for hours. Flynova flying spinner toy Imagine if a boomerang, a fidget spinner and a mini drone had a three way. The Flynova Toy would be the offspring. The ultimate hybrid toy for both adults and children. ...

Cloud Lamp Chandelier

Cloud Lamp Chandelier

The Cloud Lamp Chandelier could be described as both a lamp but also as a piece of art, you can be sure the light will make people envious. Great for any space whether that be at home or in a business. Cloud lamp chandelier We've had the planet lamps and the free floating moon lamp previously and we think the ...

Baby Tortilla Burrito Wrap

Baby Tortilla Burrito Wrap

The Baby Tortilla Blanket & Hat is adorable! This little outfit is going to make your baby look good enough to eat quite literally. Baby Tortilla Burrito Wrap Not usually a fan of babies but wrap them in a tortilla and you've got me. A "baby burrito" anyone? We think this would make a great unusual baby ...

Mail prank delivery boxes to your friends | Embarrassing box prank

Mail prank delivery boxes to your friends | Embarrassing box prank

Mailing prank delivery boxes is the perfect prank gift for a frenemy, for an actual enemy or even your Granny! It doesn't matter who the prank is sent in the post too, you can guarantee they are embarrassed when the post man delivers. Prank delivery boxes by mail The possibilities of pranking are endless ...

Astronomy Planet Lamps

Astronomy Planet Lamps

These LED Astronomy Planet Lamps are amazing! You can now enjoy the wonder of our solar system without looking through a telescope or becoming and astronaut. Astronomy Planet Lamps The planet lamps can be used as night lights, normal lamps, as party decor or just as a center talking piece. Great for the ...

100 Must See Movies Scratch Off Poster

100 Must See Movies Scratch Off Poster

The 100 must see movies scratch off poster features 100 (obviously) of the best movies ever made. 100 Must See Movies Scratch Off Poster In the style of a bucket list the aim is to scratch the movie off when you've seen them revealing a pretty colorful graphic underneath. There is 100 scratch off boxes to work ...

The Facebook Shower Curtain

The Facebook Shower Curtain

As if you weren't on Facebook enough, now you can bring your profile with you to the shower. The Facebook Profile shower curtain is opaque besides the square for your profile picture that you can pose for, so the on

Hip Flask and Cigar Holder

Hip Flask and Cigar Holder

The flask and cigar holder combo will hold two of your vices at once, alcohol and tobacco, plus you will look classy as hell while using it. The only issue I see is not being able to hold enough booze as the cigar

Cats Butt Pencil Sharpener

Cats Butt Pencil Sharpener

The Cats Butt Pencil Sharpener is one of a range of products based on the backside of a cat. We've already brought you the cats butt towel holder so we figured why not bring you a pencil sharpener for your collection. Cats Butt Pencil Sharpener I don't know where the idea originated from to make merchandise ...

Donald Trump Toilet Brush

Donald Trump Toilet Brush

The Donald Trump Toilet Brush is yet another novelty President Trump item. There's so much Trump merch out there you could fill a whole website with it. We've recently even featured the Donald Trump Chia Pet. Donald Trump Toilet Brush The brush is, in my best Donald Trump voice "To Make Toilet Great again" and ...

Toilet Bowl LED Color Changing Night Light

Toilet Bowl LED Color Changing Night Light

The Lumilux LED Toilet Light has 16 different colors and will stop "your children" peeing all over the seat and floor. Toilet Bowl LED Color Changing Night Light You really have to experience the calming and soothing but also quite creepy sensation of walking into the bathroom to see the glowing light from the ...

The Gift Of Nothing

The Gift Of Nothing

The Gift of Nothing is a gift for those of your friends, you know the type, the ones that have everything, probably like to tell you they do as well, well do they have nothing? No because they have everything so they can't have nothing. Until now. The Gift of Nothing A novelty gift for when you really can't ...

The Hyperwhistle – Worlds Loudest Whistle

The Hyperwhistle – Worlds Loudest Whistle

The Hyperwhistle is the original "worlds loudest whistle" with up to a whopping 142db and can be heard up to 2 miles away. Plus it looks way cooler than a standard whistle. The Hyperwhistle - Worlds Loudest Whistle According to the listing they claim it works underwater too and features a unique radial ...

Dish Drying Rack That Goes Over The Sink

Dish Drying Rack That Goes Over The Sink

The Dish Drying Rack that goes over the sink saves you space in the kitchen while draining your dirty cups and plates. Dish Drying Rack That Goes Over The Sink A perfect accessory for those of you with a smaller kitchen wanting to find more space to put your kitchen junk. They've thought of it all with the dish ...

Ninja Turtles Shredder Cheese Grater

Ninja Turtles Shredder Cheese Grater

The Shredder shredder is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cheese grater! Ninja Turtles Shredder Cheese Grater Officially licensed by the TMNT brand, it's your classic stainless steel cheese grater with the addition of a handle in the shape of Shredders head. At Geekz Gifts we believe this would make a ...

Toilet Paper Gun (The Skid Shot)

Toilet Paper Gun (The Skid Shot)

The Toilet Paper Gun (Skid Shot Rifle) is an awesome toy that allows you to shoot toilet paper to distances of 30 feet! Toilet Paper Gun Using a standard toilet roll which sits on the side of the gun and feeds into it, combined with water that screws into the side and you've got the perfect toilet paper blaster ...

Pop it pal | Fake pimple popping toy from Shark tank

Pop it pal | Fake pimple popping toy from Shark tank

The Pop it pal is a fake pimple popping toy that we first came across on Shark tank. It allows you to satisfy the weird urge that a lot of us have, of popping pimples. The product not only makes for a great and gross gag gift but it can also be really useful for people who cannot stop picking at their pimples. ...

Samurai Sword Kitchen Knives

Samurai Sword Kitchen Knives

The realistic Samurai Sword Kitchen Knives set comes complete with its very own stand. Samurai Sword Kitchen Knives By night a Samurai warrior by day a cuisine chef, slicing and dicing, carrots. Comprising of 4 top quality chef knives, one for bread, a paring knife, utility knife and a chef knife. ...

Cat butt towel holder | Cat’s arse tea towel holder

Cat butt towel holder | Cat’s arse tea towel holder

The Cat Butt Towel Holder is a novelty towel holder that can be used in the bathroom or in the kitchen for both normal towels and tea towels. We have also done a post on dog bum tea towel holder that you can check out. In my opinion a cats butthole is always on display and I have thought in the past that it looks ...

UV Antibacterial Toothbrush Holder

UV Antibacterial Toothbrush Holder

Are you a germaphobe who likes to combat clutter while rocking a minty-fresh smile?  If so, this is the toothbrush holder and toothpaste dispenser for you! Think about where your toothbrush is right at this ver
