As if you weren't on Facebook enough, now you can bring your profile with you to the shower. The Facebook Profile shower curtain is opaque besides the square ...
The flask and cigar holder combo will hold two of your vices at once, alcohol and tobacco, plus you will look classy as hell while using it. The only issue I ...
The Cats Butt Pencil Sharpener is one of a range of products based on the backside of a cat. We've already brought you the cats butt towel holder so we ...
The Donald Trump Toilet Brush is yet another novelty President Trump item. There's so much Trump merch out there you could fill a whole website with it. We've ...
The Lumilux LED Toilet Light has 16 different colors and will stop "your children" peeing all over the seat and floor. Toilet Bowl LED Color Changing Night ...
The Gift of Nothing is a gift for those of your friends, you know the type, the ones that have everything, probably like to tell you they do as well, well do ...
The Hyperwhistle is the original "worlds loudest whistle" with up to a whopping 142db and can be heard up to 2 miles away. Plus it looks way cooler than a ...
The Dish Drying Rack that goes over the sink saves you space in the kitchen while draining your dirty cups and plates. Dish Drying Rack That Goes Over The ...
The Shredder shredder is the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cheese grater! Ninja Turtles Shredder Cheese Grater Officially licensed by the TMNT brand, ...
The Toilet Paper Gun (Skid Shot Rifle) is an awesome toy that allows you to shoot toilet paper to distances of 30 feet! Toilet Paper Gun Using a ...
The Pop it pal is a fake pimple popping toy that we first came across on Shark tank. It allows you to satisfy the weird urge that a lot of us have, of ...
The realistic Samurai Sword Kitchen Knives set comes complete with its very own stand. Samurai Sword Kitchen Knives By night a Samurai warrior by day a ...
The Cat Butt Towel Holder is a novelty towel holder that can be used in the bathroom or in the kitchen for both normal towels and tea towels. We have also ...
Are you a germaphobe who likes to combat clutter while rocking a minty-fresh smile? If so, this is the toothbrush holder and toothpaste dispenser for ...
If I told you that you could be holding a heart shaped watermelon, a Buddha shaped pear or a skull shaped pumpkin you'd probably laugh in my face right? ...
While your child is playing in the bath tub why not have them recreate the scenes from Titanic where a terrifying and gruesome ship wreck caused the deaths ...
The fish tank clock is a beta fish aquarium that doubles as a clock that you can hang on your wall. Your fish will think you like him a lot because you look at ...
This heavy duty stainless steel ace of spades bottle opener measures in at 2'' x 3.25'', and is sure to be the perefect addition to your next poker game, even ...
You've seen the dinosaur shaped taco holder, dinosaur shaped chip and salsa holder, and possibly even the Tacosaurus T-rex taco holder. Well, now there's ...
The zombie foot dog toy is a dog toy that looks just like a severed foot that came from a zombie which features a fully exposed bone and everything, although I ...
This cocktail shaker is made to look just like an English Bulldog. A perfect gift idea for any bulldog owner who happens to love hand-crafted cocktails, the ...
After stumbling across an unusual door knocker I decided to have a look around to see what else was out there. I couldn't actually believe that some of these ...
Pregnancy tests are probably the scariest test for a man to go through. STD tests are nothing compared to pregnancy tests. What's a lifetime of genital sores ...
You may remember the Canonball Speaker that we featured a while back that was a circular waterproof speaker for the pool. Well, this similar Wow-Sound floating ...